[rscullin]# _

Recent Posts

Reviving a Key Systems CD 2000 - Pt. 1

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In the late 1980s, Key Systems released the CD 2000, a key management system made for dealerships to keep track of who had what key out and what cars were popular – think of a key vending machine. Now, nearly 30 years later, a friend of mine picked up the CD 2000 on eBay because he wanted to play with it. We’ve gotten it to boot, fixed a failed power supply, gotten the software running in DOS Box, imaged the floppies, and (poorly) interfaced a terminal. Read More...

New Blog

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Time for another incarnation of my blog. This is powered by Hugo, and lives on AWS S3/CloudFront. I expect almost everything to be volatile until I get a workflow/pipeline set up that I’m happy with.


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